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Introducing LivetrackerPro: Revolutionizing Your Basketballl Experience with TheSports
05 Jul 2024

Were delighted to announce the launch of a new version of Livetracker widget  - LivetrackerPro again :TheSports focus on iterative development of basketball widgets this time.

We prepare a ready-made solution without the cost of development of API to maximize development cost savings and complete site construction.

Let’s take a look at the highlight sections when you choose the Sports item as Basketball and Pro Version:

Heatmap:Team & player heat map: Based on the team players’ touch points in a single game and season, hot zone teams/players in a single game and season hot zones (it can also be made into a touch point map): display the team or the extent and frequency of player movement on the pitch during a game. This heat map shows the shooting position map.


Commentary:Live text descriptions to help understand the real-time situation on the field in the fastest and most intuitive way.

Box score: the table of all players stats. You can clearly see all the players stats when you choose the Box score section.

No worry to contact our sales&technical team, TheSports do offer free consultation and 24/7 support  for you. We're always dedicated to offering a comprehensive product overhaul designed to elevate your sports business to new heights!



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